Sunday, April 24, 2016

Route 66: Exodus

Summary of Events:
  • Israel in Egypt
    • slavery in Egypt
    • God chooses Moses
    • God sends Moses to Pharaoh
    • Plagues
    • The Passover
  • Israel in the Wilderness
    • The Exodus
    • Crossing the sea
    • complaining in the wilderness
  • Israel at Sinai
    • giving the law
    • tabernacle instructions
    • breaking the law
    • tabernacle construction

So where is Jesus?

  • A few Wednesdays ago we talked about the passover, 
  • I want to recap a bit on that
    • God gave clear instructions on how to avoid death (passover) Exodus 11

      The substitute for death was...
      1. Get a PURE lamb —Jesus was without sin
      2. Take the lamb into your house for 4 days and make it your PERSONAL pet — Jesus has to be your personal savior
      3. After 4 days KILL the lamb  — Jesus was killed for our sins
      4. Take the bolded of the lamb and APPLY it to the door and door frames — we need to be covered in Jesus blood for God to forgive us
      5. Roast the lamb and COMPLETELY devour it and whatever is leftover, burn it the next morning — we need to accept Jesus sacrifice COMPLETELY and not just take forgiveness just when we feel we need it
        • it was one and done
  • One of the main themes that we see in the book of exodus is the theme of redemption.
  • God had a plan
  • He had a plan to redeem us today even back when he was trying to get the Israelites out of Egypt
  • Think of everything he went through with them: (he could have given up)
    • plagues
    • complaining
    • worshiping other God's
    • he could have given up on them like he wanted to do with Noah
      • summary of Noah
  • God is a God of second chances
  • no matter what we do, God will always try to get us back
  • Exodus 19-23 lists various laws
    • in Exodus 24 the people of Israel accept these laws
    • “we will do everything the Lord has commanded” Ex. 24:3
    • Ex. 32 they are worshiping a golden calf
    • New Covenant
  • This covenant they made is like the one we make when we ourselves enter into a relationship with God.
    • We know the rules
    • we know the goal (to strive to be more like Jesus)
  • So where is Jesus?
    • the lamb
    • the covenant we make with God through accepting the forgiveness of our sins through Jesus’ death
  • Takeaway: It’s okay to make mistakes. God is a God of second chances

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