Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Season of Eucharistos: Week 1

Title: Remember to be Thankful
Sermon in a sentence: Don't be so wrapped up in what you have to the point where you forget to thank the one who gave it to you.
The Word: Luke 17
Summary: In Luke 17 we see ten lepers who Jesus heals. Before they were healed they were outcasts because they were unclean and their condition was very contagious. In that culture they had to be deemed clean by the priests in their town, so as soon as they asked him to have mercy on them Jesus told them to go see their priest. They were to be healed by their faith, because in order to go see the priest they would have to go into town where they were not allowed due to their illness. As they went, they were cleansed. Only one out of the ten men came back to thank Jesus.
The other nine men were so wrapped up in getting back what they had lost. They were distracted from being thankful to the one who returned their life back to them.
Don't be so wrapped up in what you have to the point where you forget to thank the one who gave it to you.

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